Long Island Game Farm Green Facts

Fact 1) Plastic bags create four times more solid waste than paper bags each year...enough to fill the Empire State Building two and a half times!!
Fact 2) It can take up to 1000 years for a plastic bag to break down in the environment. (YES, I said ONE THOUSAND YEARS!!)
Fact 3) To make all the bags we use each year, it takes 14 million trees for paper and 12 million barrels of oil for plastic.
Fact 4) The average family of four uses almost 1,500 plastic grocery bags every year!!
Fact 5) One recycled aluminum can saves the energy it takes to run a T.V. for 3 hours!!
Fact 6) Americans throw away enough aluminum every 3 months to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet!!
Fact 7) Recycling one aluminum can saves enough electricity to run a laptop computer for 4 hours!!
Fact 8) Americans throw away enough paper every year to build a wall 12 feet high, stretching from Los Angeles to New York City!!
Fact 9) 75% of the electricity used to power electronics is consumed when they are turned off and not unplugged!
Check back tomorrow for fact number 10 wink & a smile

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